Discounts available: 50% off for groups of 6+, seniors, and military
A snow globe symbolizes purposeful chaos that settles into a new pattern. Use this session with guided meditations, therapeutic work, or your choice of music to help you reset and be open to changes in your life. Session portions include 10 minutes of cyberdelics, 10 minutes of neural reset, 10 minutes for guided or self meditation. Alpha, Gamma. Compliments meditation, hypnosis, breathwork.
A guided meditation that begins with 5 minutes of deep breathing (5 sec in, 6 sec out), ideal for improving heart rate variability (HRV) and creating mental and physical resilience to stress and depression. Use in the morning or early afternoon. High Beta frequencies (20 Hz) balance out lower Alpha frequencies (10 Hz) associated with seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Beat those winter blues.
A guided meditation by Pablo Castro, lead trainer at Alchemy of Breath (AOB), a world leader in conscious connected breathwork. Fully feel, validate, and connect with body sensations. Practicing this ability leads to authentic emotional processing, tension release, and radical presence. Best in the morning to prepare you for the day ahead. Tune in, regulate emotion, rest, enjoy better sleep, help insomnia.
Embark on a guided breathwork session (English or French) using drumming as a backdrop and either subtle or strong visual psychedelic imagery. Come out of this session buzzing with electric vibrancy. Frequencies mimic hallucinogenic and higher mind experiences. Heightened awareness, energized trance. Gamma, Theta, plus mixed Beta.
Isochronic tones perfectly synchronized to the pulses of light for a more powerful effect. Slow wave pulse in time with a very simple breathing technique called the coherence breath. Hypnotic dissociation in six minute steps, subtle holographic effect. Relief from anxiety, tension and fear. Stress relief, calm awareness and focus, feelings of wellbeing. A very immersive experience.
Ho’oponopono process with relaxing music in the background. 4 rounds of 35 deep full breaths to charge the system. The first 5 minutes is a psychedelic display of color and pattern to start the trance process. The next 5 minutes is neural reset with a background Theta pulse to induce a trance state. Emotional healing, forgiveness, breathwork. Also available in French.
Balance and integrate, empathy, flow, happiness, memory access and release. Alternates between light dark, warm cool, masculine feminine, active passive. A very deep state of meditative relaxation and emotional/physical release. Good for anxiety and depression, brain fog. No visuals, just relax and practice conscious breathing.
Listen to our audio tracks or choose your own. Discover music via genres, moods, and themes at
For essential oils, we recommend Eden's Garden and Adam Barralet. For perfume, Possets and Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab.
These friends can assist your journey. We recommend The Crystal Encyclopedia at Crystal Vaults for learning about crystals.