We provide individual and group sessions, as well as partner with health practitioners, holistic and wellness service providers, event organizers, researchers, artists, musicians, local businesses, and non-profits to provide complimentary therapies and immersive adventures.
Our mission is to make altered states of consciousness accessible to everyone. You don't need drugs, years of practice, or a guru to have a profound and memorable experience. Light can be your portal to transformation and emotional well-being. You are your own teacher, healer, guide, and landscape to explore.
We believe everyone is capable of feeling a spark of divinity within themselves. You deserve to discover how wondrous and capable you are, bringing peace and harmony to yourself, your family, and your community.
We strive to take light therapy out of the realm of alternative, unconventional, and fringe, and into the mainstream, making it as convenient, common, and accepted as yoga and massage.
Inner Sea began as a question: how do you bring the benefits of deep meditation and trance states to the masses in a way that's accessible, approachable, timely, affordable, and safe?
There are many paths to wellness and enlightenment (e.g., books, videos, gurus, groups, retreats, yoga, journaling, prayer, religion, meditation, music, dance, plant medicine, nature, counseling, travel, service/volunteering, etc.). Each has its merits, but often people quit, because they aren't feeling results, the desired outcome is taking too long, feels meager, or is far too disruptive (e.g., 6 months in service at an Indian ashram or an expensive flight to Peru for an ayahuasca trip where you spend hours vomiting).
Compare these to light therapy where you simply close your eyes and listen to music, feel noticeable changes in minutes, and the pleasant effects can last for hours or days. A strobe light allows you to biohack your brain waves for much faster results than meditation [1] and without the dangers of hallucinogenic drugs. Over time, you can train your brain to achieve these states unassisted.
Ready to enjoy an immersive kaleidoscopic journey of light and sound? Explore our sessions menu and book your light trip today.
Hello, my name is Hanna Kutcher. I am your light journey cruise director, happy to suggest, customize, and alter an experience tailored to your unique goals and wishes.
My own inner journey into consciousness began as a teenager, when I discovered acid rock and Elfquest comics.
I loved the distorted guitar sounds and extended solos of that 1960s sound, as well as the muscle cars of the same era. Alas, as a child of the 80's, I was born too late, but I did get to hear The Dead, Alan Ginsberg and Patti Smith alive and in person. Psychedelic rock's heavy emphasis on creating an immersive, mind-altering experience and experimental approach to music blew my mind.
The Elfquest saga introduced me to telepathy, telekinesis, biokinesis, pyrokinesis, levitation, time-travel, multiple realities, space travel, immortality, astral projection, remote viewing, divination, psychic possession, hands-on healing/reiki, ecstatic dance, tantra, plant medicine, hidden history, and so much more. At the time, I thought, "what a great story!" Imagine my surprise as an adult to learn that these things actually exist.
After my daughter was born, I kept my feet in the professional corporate world for financial and practical reasons, but outside of work I learned past life regression (via QHHT), telepathy, remote viewing, energy work (Barbara Brennan's style), and nitvana bodywork (aka. energy orgasm). I also dove into gardening, nutrition, alternative health, biohacking, energy and frequency medicine, and the interconnectedness of the mind and body (e.g., epigenetics, neuroplasticity, biofeedback).
Today, I walk in different worlds, both the "far out" land of crystal-stroking tree-huggers and the mainstream Main Street 9-to-5 corporate one, building bridges between them.
Take a ride to the land inside and you'll see
How happy life could be
If all of mankind
Would take the time to journey to the center of the mind